.22 Rifle League
Please see the bottom of the page to sign up for league.
Next .22 rifle league starts May 2, 2025. Rifle league will run every Friday evening at 6p.m. for 8 weeks. Please see below the restrictions.
You can sign up at the range counter or you can fill out the form below and submit it.
.22 Rifle League:
- Shooters fire at a five-bull's-eye target
- Shooter's fire 10 shots at a target per round ~ total of 50 shots
- 30 people maximum in each league
- Targets are set at 30 yards
- 30 second time limit per round
- Shooting is with iron or red-dot sites, or scope
- League shooting starts Tuesday nights about 6:00 PM
- Shooter's will not be able to bench rest
- Shooters can not use bipods/tripods or sandbags
.22 Rifle League Sign-up Form