.22 Rifle League
Please see the bottom of the page to sign up for a league.
Fall league starts September 3, 2024, and will run every Tuesday evening at 6p.m. for 8 weeks. Please see below the restrictions.
You can sign up at the range counter or you can fill out the form below and submit it.
.22 Rifle League:
- Shooters fire at a five-bull's-eye target
- Shooter's fire 10 shots at a target per round ~ total of 50 shots
- 30 people maximum in each league
- Targets are set at 30 yards
- 30 second time limit per round
- Shooting is with iron or red-dot sites, or scope
- League shooting starts Tuesday nights about 6:00 PM
- Shooter's will not be able to bench rest
- Shooters can not use bipods/tripods or sandbags
.22 Rifle League Sign-up Form